Tomorrow is a big day for this trip.  We will finally make it to the very beginning of the Alaskan Highway (Mile 0). It seems like it has taken forever to get here, but it’s only been a week and a half. This post contains an interview with my parents, Roger and Pat,  about the retirement lifestyle they have chosen.

Relaxing outside their RV.

How many years have you been full time RVing? – 11 years.

Why did you choose an RV life after retirement?  – We wanted to see the country and make sure none of our 5 kids could move back home.

Passing a huge tractor on this trip.

What are the most memorable destinations that you have seen while RVing? – The Oregon and Washington coast, San Juan Islands and Puget Sound.

Where is the worst campground you have ever stayed at? – Clovis, New Mexico because we were near train tracks that were 12-15 rows wide.

Where did you go on your first trip in your first RV after retirement? We went to Panama City, Florida to visit our son and his family.

What has been the biggest problem you have encountered on the road? The worst is tire blow outs and we’ve had a few of them.  We had one in Nebraska and we didn’t even know it.  A driver flagged me down to let me know. I stopped and changed it and we made it back to Texas.

Where was the most expensive campground that you have been to? It would definitely be Estes Park, Colorado in the summer time.  A one week stay was $450.

What make/model is your current RV? We are now living in a 2015 Redwood. It is the 39 foot long residential model. 

Redwood floorplan

What do you like best about it? It has the best auto leveling jacks and the 50 amp power cord can retract back into a compartment.

What places were on your bucket list when you started this lifestyle? Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, the Liberty Bell, Bourbon Trail, Alaska, Yellow Stone and the Tetons.

Where was the most expensive gas you bought? Diesel was $5 a gallon in New York.

Getting the RV weighed for the first time.

Where was the coldest weather you have encountered? We were in Nashville, Tennessee when it got down to 17 degrees and we ran out of propane. Another time, in our first or second RV, the windows iced up on the inside but I can’t remember where that was.


  1. Now I know why you were such an awesome HR person. You get right to the point during your interviews with lots of relevant information. I’m keeping all of this information for my journey in an RV!

  2. I love your mom and dad’s idea of buying an RV so the kids can’t move back home. I will definitely keep it in mind when I retire. Miss you dearly!

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