My topic is laundry and how we’ve been handling this necessary task. I would also like to add that washing pants and long sleeve shirts takes up a lot more space than shorts and tank tops. Space is a hot commodity in a “tiny” house like ours.
We have a small hamper in our bathroom beside the shower, and it is full most of the time. We also fill up a laundry bag before heading to the laundry facility at the campground. I guess that we have been washing about every two weeks.
My parents have a washer and dryer so they don’t need to worry about going to a laundromat. Lucky them! Most washers and dryers require quarters so we have to maintain a stash for this purpose. We’ve paid anywhere from $2.00 to $3.50 per load in a single machine. Double that to wash and dry. Here in Denali a sign is posted $4.00 per machine. We have to carry a baggie of quarters, soap and softener, the hamper and laundry bag across the campground to the main laundry area which is usually on the opposite side from us. Good way to exercise!
On the positive side, we can complete four loads in an hour and fifteen minutes. No waiting around for multiple loads when they have a good number of machines available.
Now back to my detour…..
After my shower this morning, I reached into my underwear drawer and pulled out these:
They must have been left in a dryer somewhere during our trip and were tossed into my drawer with the rest of my panties. Now you know my clothes folding technique (or lack thereof). It sure was a good laugh this morning! Glad I didn’t stick a leg into one side!
Let me know if you are missing a pair…or maybe I should put them in a lost and found box.