I am not saying goodbye forever, but more like a farewell, and see ya later.

10 things we look forward to upon our return to civilization (first world problems):
1. Being able to go outside and not be attacked by mosquitos and noseeums. This also includes not having to cover myself in bug spray and washing it off before bedtime. Amazingly, we never had a problem with mosquitos in Alaska.

2. Drinking strong fresh coffee that does not cost an arm and a leg. Belize is not like Guatemala, which has a large coffee bean industry.
3. Eating from a nice salad bar with lots of fresh veggies!

4. Using a hair dryer without thinking that I’m wasting my time. I want to style my hair instead of throwing it in a pony tail every day. Putting on makeup goes along with this topic.
5. Walking through a “real” shopping mall, even if I don’t buy anything. Keeping up with fashion trends is impossible on an island this small.

6. Seeing my grandkids. It happens to be Birthday time for two of them.
7. Talking on my cell phone. We turned my phone off when we left the states and I could only use WiFi in Belize.
8. Hanging out with friends in places that are not bars serving alcohol. Seriously!
9. Being able to stream the episodes of the TV shows I missed. Websites, especially TV or movie apps, are blocked by the US if you are out of the country. (I hear that Netflix works in Belize, but I don’t have a subscription)

10. Making something with my hands – any DIY project.

We have been flying down to Ambergris Caye since 2004 and we own a timeshare on the island. Now that we have made so many expat friends, we can go any time we want. Until next time my beautiful Belize……
Safe travels!