Since we were spending 2 days in Regina, my dad drove us one day and I agreed to drive the second day, which was today. We had a couple of places we wanted to see, we found a restaurant for dinner, and we also had to shop again. Driving in Canada is not much different than driving in the states. I made sure to watch others turn right on red before trying it myself, etc.
Then we got to the following stoplight (it is hard to see the light in the background of the picture below):

I needed to turn right before the light and was sitting here in the farthest right lane. I’m sitting, and sitting, and sitting. All three of my passengers were looking out the windows and talking and I kept waiting for the cars in front of me to go forward. I even commented if the light was ever going to turn green!!
Then my dad asked “are you waiting on those cars, because they are empty? They are just parked here.” WELL, that explains it!! Duh! I never dreamed that cars could park on a busy road in the right lane that has white dashes. It looks like a driving lane to me!!! I moved over a lane and sure enough, they were all empty!
Let’s not forget the wildlife sighting yesterday on our drive to Regina. In the middle of nowhere I spot an animal in a wide open field. Not quite able to focus on it since I’m driving, I ask Linda what is that? She responds an OSTRICH….it was a DEER. Needless to say, she keeps it entertaining!
Maybe in Alaska you’ll experience a wildlife sighting like we did. An entire van load of tourists got their cameras ready to capture a shot of a big, black bear. As the van got closer, that “bear” turned out to be a bag of trash on the side of the road. SMH!
We’ve seen deer, a coyote, herd of buffalo, and this morning a chipmunk was running all around the RV. I can’t wait to see wildlife! Just a few more days! The babies have all been born, too!