Well, we finally made it to Mile 0 of the Alaskan Highway! We stayed the night in Valleyview, Alberta and our drive to Dawson Creek, British Columbia was only a couple of hours. We crossed another time zone and now we are 2 hours ahead of central time. Our first roadside stop was in the town of Beaverlodge, population 2465. We parked in the large parking lot and took pictures with the huge beaver, even though the weather was cold and drizzly.

We planned to spend time in Dawson Creek so we could make a few tourist stops in town and buy our food and supplies for the drive. The lady at the visitor center in Alberta just happened to tell us that BC (for British Columbia) stood for Bring Cash. She said everything was more expensive and gas would be 20 cents more a liter than what you find in Alberta. There was a Walmart in town and I have never seen shelves empty like those, except around Christmas time at home. It was Sunday, and I guess everyone shops there over the weekend.
First up was the obligatory picture under the sign, in the rain.

We watched an interesting movie about the history of the highway and how it was built in only 8 months and 12 days and was finished in 1942. This year happens to be the 75th anniversary! This old grain elevator sits on the same corner as the sign.

After the gift shops, we drove to the center of town and found the Mile 0 post. It is literally in the very middle of an intersection with stoplights in both directions!

We ate and filled up with gas and stopped again on our way home because the rain had let up and we realized that we could get the grain elevator and dad’s truck in the background of the picture. Plus, all the cars and RVs were gone. It was funny watching people taking selfies with their RV in the picture. This is what we have driven over 2400 miles for! To start our journey…